
数组 Array

数组是按特定顺序排列的多个元素,通常都是相同类型的元素(但在 JS 里可以不同)。


链表 LinkedList



在 JS 中,最常见的链表就是对象的原型链结构:一个对象实例具有__proto__属性,其指向初始化其类型的prototype属性,而prototype本身也具有__proto__属性,最终这种继承关系指向null

instance.__proto__ === SubType.prototype;

instance.__proto__.__proto__ === SuperType.prototype;

instance.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype;

instance.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ === null;




队列 Queue

先进先出(FIFO,first in first out)队列,简称为队列。队列支持以下操作:

  • 入列:添加元素到队列末尾,相当于数组的push操作
  • 出列:删除开头元素,相当于数组的shift操作
  • 获取队列开头和末尾的元素
  • 获取队列长度


实现参考:Queue - The Algorithms (the-algorithms.com)

class Queue {

constructor () {
this.head = null
this.tail = null
// 队列长度
this.#size = 0

return Object.seal(this)

get length () {
return this.#size

* @description - 往队列末尾添加元素
* @param {*} data
* @returns {number} - 返回队列新的长度
enqueue (data) {
const node = { data, next: null }

if (!this.head && !this.tail) {
this.head = node
this.tail = node
} else {
this.tail.next = node
this.tail = node

return ++this.#size

* @description - 移除队列开头元素
* @returns {*} - 返回被移除的元素
dequeue () {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
throw new Error('Queue is Empty')

const firstData = this.peekFirst()

this.head = this.head.next

if (!this.head) {
this.tail = null


return firstData

* @description - 返回队列开头的元素
* @returns {*}
peekFirst () {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
throw new Error('Queue is Empty')

return this.head.data

* @description - 获取队列末尾的元素
* @returns {*}
peekLast () {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
throw new Error('Queue is Empty')

return this.tail.data

* @description - 队列转换成数组
* @returns {Array<*>}
toArray () {
const array = []
let node = this.head

while (node) {
node = node.next

return array

* @description - 队列是否为空
* @returns {boolean}
isEmpty () {
return this.length === 0

export default Queue

栈 Stack

堆栈是一种基本的线性数据结构,它遵循访问对象的顺序。这种顺序称为后进先出(LIFO)或先进后出(FILO,First In Last Out),要正确区分栈顶的概念:





  • 入栈:添加元素到栈顶,相当于数组的push方法
  • 出栈:从栈顶删除元素,相当于数组的pop方法
  • 获取栈顶元素,相当于获取数组的最后一个元素
class Stack {
private stack = [];
private limit;

* constructor of the stack, can set a limit, if not provided there is no limit to the stack.
* @param {number} [limit=Number.MAX_VALUE] the limit of the stack
constructor(limit = Number.MAX_VALUE) {
this.limit = limit;

* @function push
* @description - adds a new element to the stack
* @param {T} value - the new value to add
push(value) {
if (this.length() + 1 > this.limit) {
throw new Error('Stack Overflow');


* @function pop
* @description - remove an element from the top
* @throws will throw an error if the stack is empty
* @return {T} removed element
pop() {
if (this.length() !== 0) {
return this.stack.pop() as T;

throw new Error('Stack Underflow');

* @function length
* @description - number of elements in the stack
* @return {number} the number of elements in the stack
length() {
return this.stack.length;

* @function isEmpty
* @description - check if the stack is empty
* @return {boolean} returns true if the stack is empty, otherwise false
isEmpty() {
return this.length() === 0;

* @function top
* @description - return the last element in the stack without removing it
* @return {T | null} return the last element or null if the stack is empty
top() {
if (this.length() !== 0) {
return this.stack[this.length() - 1];

return null;

背包 Bag